Electronic board operating temperature
-40 ÷85°C
In accordance to EN 61326-1:2013 (CE)
In accordance to BS EN 61326-1:2013 (UKCA)
5.5 ÷32 Vdc (polarity protected)
RTD Pt100/Pt1000 (α= 0,00385) 2, 3 o 4 wire connection
840Ω @ 24 Vdc [Rload= (Vsupply. - 5.5) / 0.022]
Sensor break or short-circuit monitoring
According to NAMUR NE43, selectable between:
Maximum value between ±0.1K and ±0.1% of span
Temperature influence (*)
Maximum value between ±0,3°C/25°C and ±0,3% of span/25°C
Maximum 0.1% of span per year
It is possible set the device by EVOMINI SET configuration kit (it is needed a PC with OS Windows).
Sensor error compensation
Sensor input signal filter (*)
(*) time to reach 90% of signal
Configurable from 0.4 to 9.4 seconds